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Worthy Hardware, as a precision CNC contract machine shop, offers the unparalleled precision with a fast and cost-effective method for producing high quality for metal and plastic parts. While equipped with the advanced precision cnc machining centers, our company provides very precision CNC machining parts and services.
What is CNC Machining Service?

CNC Machining is a process used in the manufacturing sector that involves the use of computers to control machine tools. Tools that can be controlled in this manner include lathes, mills, routers and grinders. The CNC in CNC Machining stands for Computer Numerical Control.

Under CNC Machining, machine tools function through numerical control. A computer program is customized for an object and the machines are programmed with CNC machining language (called G-code) that essentially controls all features like feed rate, coordination, location and speeds. With CNC machining, the computer can control exact positioning and velocity. CNC machining is used in manufacturing both metal and plastic parts.
First a CAD drawing is created (either 2D or 3D), and then a code is created that the CNC machine will understand. The program is loaded and finally an operator runs a test of the program to ensure there are no problems. This trial run is referred to as "cutting air" and it is an important step because any mistake with speed and tool position could result in a scraped part or a damaged machine.

There are many advantages to using CNC Machining. The process is more precise than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again. Because of the precision possible with CNC Machining, this process can produce complex shapes that would be almost impossible to achieve with manual machining.

CNC Machining is used in the production of many complex three-dimensional shapes. It is because of these qualities that CNC Machining is used in jobs that need a high level of precision or very repetitive tasks.
Quality is extremely important to us. At WORTHY quality assurance means a precision part. It’s something we do every day and have done every day since we started.Worthy is committed to providing products and services of a quality that exceeds the continuing needs and expectations of our customers. .We don’t compromise quality for expediency, and that means we guarantee that you can count on your part being made to exact specification, on time and within budget.

All of our measuring toolings are corrected in the fixed time in order to keep the accuracy.Meanwhile, all of our QC are with years of experience, then they could use these measuring tools very correctly. All the parts you could receive are from uncompromisable quality control.
In addition to our own internally developed quality documentation and procedures, we're always willing to comply with customer-generated quality requirements, including PPAP (Production Part Approval Process, the generally accepted process for sample submission, including submission of material certification, source warrant, layout, dimensional measurement documentation; functional testing documentation; and an appearance approval report), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis), and so on. Frequently our customers request control plans, final audit sheets, plating certification, or heat-treating certification.
Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Salam Edukasi Indonesia

Selamat malam sahabat guru serta rekan tenaga kependidikan yang ada di seluruh nusantara.Selamat datang dan berjumpa kembali dengan kami .Pada kesempatan malam ini saya akan berbagi materi tentang Aplikasi Penialain Kurikulum 2013 untuk jenjang SMP dan MTs.
Aplikasi Nilai KK 2013 SMP dan MTs Format Excel
Aplikasi Nilai KK 2013 SMP dan MTs Format Excel

Kurikulum 2013 sangatlah berbeda sakli dengan Kurikulum KTSP.Baik dalam hal administarsi pembelajaran seperti RPP,Silabus,KKM,Protas maupun Program semester.Bgai rekan guru yang belum sempat mengunduh administarsi pembelajarn kurikulum 2013 SMP/MTs silahkan Download di sini.

Selain administarsi pembelajaran di atas dalam hal kreteria penilaian pun juga berbeda.Pada kurikulum KTSP tidak ada keterangan atau deskripsi,sedangkan pada kurikulum 2013 harus disertai dengan deskrpsi atau kata-kata yang berupa kalimat berita.Kemudian pada kurikulum 2013 yang dinilai tidak hanya sikap kognitif tetapi juga sikap dan psikomotorik anak didik.

Jika kita menghitung nilai dan menulis deskripsi secara manual maka akan mebutuhkan waktu lama dan tenaga lebih banyak.Pembuatan administrasi sekolah dan guru sekarang sudah banayk yang menggunakan aplikasi excel.Karena selain menghemat waktu juga menghemat tenaga kita.

Berikut ini saya bagikan contoh aplikasi penilaian kurikulum 2013 bagi jenjang SMP/MTs yang telah melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran kurikulum 2013.Silahkan download di sini.
atau Silahakn KLIK DI SINI jika ingin masuk lewat link secara langsung.

Demikian materi seputar Aplikasi excel penilaian kurikulum 2013 untuk jenjang SMP dan Mts yang dapat sya bagikan dalam kesempatan malam ini.Semoga bermanfaat dan sesuai dengan harapan bapak/ibu guru di sekolah.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Though we may strive for the day in which it's possible to make an entire aircraft with 3D printing, according to Wohlers Associates, about one-third of the reported additive manufacturing (AM) applications is for creating prototypes and visual models. The actual 3D printing of end parts may be on the rise, but there are applications that lay beyond the most exciting stories put forth by the media.

To better understand the myriad of ways in which AM is actually being used, explored the technology's various applications. Hopefully, this will provide a more complete picture of how AM can be implemented throughout all of the steps of the manufacturing process, from creating prototypes and producing auxiliary tools like jigs and fixtures to end part production.

When it was invented, 3D printing was referred to as rapid prototyping, a method for automating and reducing the labor required to create a prototype model for design validation. Since then, it has found use in a number of other applications, but the technology is still widely implemented to create visual models and functional prototypes.

For the production of visual models, 3D printing has evolved quite a bit. Though it's possible to create highly detailed prints with technologies like stereolithography (SLA), full-color 3D printing with binder jetting, paper 3D printing and material jetting can achieve a vibrancy impossible with other technologies.

PCB is an acronym for printed circuit board. It is a board that has lines and pads that connect various points together. In the picture above, there are traces that electrically connect the various connectors and components to each other. A PCB allows signals and power to be routed between physical devices. Solder is the metal that makes the electrical connections between the surface of the PCB and the electronic components. Being metal, solder also serves as a strong mechanical adhesive.

Printed circuit board is the most common name but may also be called “printed wiring boards” or “printed wiring cards”. Before the advent of the PCB circuits were constructed through a laborious process of point-to-point wiring. This led to frequent failures at wire junctions and short circuits when wire insulation began to age and crack.

A significant advance was the development of wire wrapping, where a small gauge wire is literally wrapped around a post at each connection point, creating a gas-tight connection which is highly durable and easily changeable.

As electronics moved from vacuum tubes and relays to silicon and integrated circuits, the size and cost of electronic components began to decrease. Electronics became more prevalent in consumer goods, and the pressure to reduce the size and manufacturing costs of electronic products drove manufacturers to look for better solutions. Thus was born the PCB.

What is the Centrios Circuit Edit System?
The Centrios system is the newest member of the Thermo Scientific portfolio of Circuit Edit solutions, targeting the process nodes most relevant to the dynamic field of wireless-internet-connected devices, where time to market spells the difference between success and failure. The Centrios System enables rapid prototyping and first silicon debug and repair for 14 nm and above design-rule devices as well as advanced front and back side edits using an innovative state-of-the-art simultaneous dual-nozzle gas-delivery system in combination with a broad portfolio of chemistries and the latest focused ion beam technology.
How our Circuit Edit System meets you needs
With the Centrios system, circuit edit engineers, whether supporting designers or in service labs now have a high-performance circuit-edit solution to ensure availability of working first silicon devices to validate design changes, speed customer evaluations and capture critical time-to-market advantage. All of this without waiting for mask respin. Centrios can also be equipped with an IR microscope, which when coupled with our customized bulk trenching gas injection system and NEXS CAD Navigation SW enables fast, precise large area milling of silicon trenches with high accuracy n-well exposure for advanced backside edits.

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Enhanced focused ion beam technology
The Centrios System features the Tomahawk Ion Column, which incorporates the latest developments in ion column design, gas delivery and end-point detection, providing fast, efficient and cost-effective editing. The Centrios System is equipped with a five-axis, ultra-high-resolution piezo electric stage and can be configured with a high-resolution IR microscope to enable unparalleled control and precision for every edit.

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Rapid Prototyping is the process to build the physical parts directly from the data the Computer Aided Design (CAD). This process is based on additive manufacturing technique, is a 3d object is created by bonding thin slices of material layer by layer.

3D printing is a generic term used primarily for additive manufacturing, where the object is constructed layer by layer. There are a number of technologies 3DP, borrowed from the large RP systems, the main difference is the choice of material, build speed and accuracy of parts.

NC stands for Computer Numerical Control, refers to a computer "controller", that drives the machine. CNC machining is one of our most used services, suitable for functional, smooth and precise machined part directly from the engineering plastics or metals. Please check our CNC reserved for extensive information.
CNC and 3D printing with a single machine require the user to remember about cleaning his machine after the job is finished or before switching to another fabrication technique. Solutions we used in ZMorph VX makes this process fairly quick and easy, while the fragile components remain covered and safe from shavings and sawdust.

Manufacturing Fundamentals of Stereolithography SLA (Stereolithography)

SLA is also known as Stereolithography, provides precision parts with excellent surface finish. SLA process works so that the healing liquid photopolymers into solid cross-sections, layer by layer, using the ultra violet laser. The SLA is widely used for conceptual models, master patterns for Silicon, visualization tools and product validation.